I've been in situations so far where everyone around me is smoking but have not had the urge to ask for one or to steal one and light up.
More importantly, the point of this post is to articulate or to explain what I think is the key to quitting smoking.
1.) You have to want to
And I don't mean you waking up one morning and saying "I wanna quit". It's not so simple. It would probably have to be something you've thought about for a long time, a few months, maybe even a year.
2.) Be prepared for the effects
Whether you choose to quit cold turkey or use some sort of drug (champix, nicorette) etc.. there WILL be physiological effects. Whether you like it or not.
Cold turkey and you'll deal with all the short-temperedness, angsty, and extreme craving type of feelings that will generally make you one of the most unpleasant persons in the world to be around.
Quit with a drug and you'll have a completely different set of side effects, such as constipation, vivid dreams, not being able to sleep, etc
Essentially, the point is, there will be some downside to quitting. But it is only temporary. What is the upside? That's for you to consider.