Last time I had a cigarette was 10pm, July 30, 2011. It has been:
Contents of this DIV will be replaced by the timer
Weight gain so far: 5kg

Thursday, 28 July 2011

Day 2

Ok, its confession time. I had half a stick yesterday at about 2pm.

Its 3.10pm as I write this and I have not had any for today. I'm slowly getting there.

Since starting the drug, I've also been keeping track on when I would usually want to have that first cigarette. I can safely say the Wanting it First Thing in the Morning feeling is gone.

But then the craving peaks sometime at about noon onwards and sometimes its really bad which is when I cave in.

Thinking through, I think the best way to approach it is by holding out for progressively longer periods (after waking) until its basically time to sleep which would effectively mean no cigarettes for that day. Rinse and repeat for the rest of my life. It sounds so simple yeah.

Just to share about how much affinity I have to cigarettes - it reached a level where I've even called them my best friend. Flawed thinking? But I always figured if nothing ever went right and everyone in life abandoned me, cigarettes would always be there. Would make good copy for an ad yeah? Hah, I'm such an addict.

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