Last time I had a cigarette was 10pm, July 30, 2011. It has been:
Contents of this DIV will be replaced by the timer
Weight gain so far: 5kg

Sunday, 14 August 2011

Weight gain

Yep, it happened.

My usual weight fluctuates between 68-70kg. As of earlier this week, I've weighed in at 72.1kg. Another weigh in earlier today still sees me at 72.1kg.

This is of course unusual for me. I've never gained weight in any meaningful way, always the butt of jealous remarks from female friends and never had to get new clothes just because I've gained a couple of inches around the waist.

There is the oft-quoted reason about why people smoke, that is to keep your weight down since nicotine serves as an appetite depressant. Believe me, that was merely an unintended side-effect for me. I already had an insane metabolic rate during my late-teens.

What does this mean? I need to exercise, slow down on the carbs and probably drink a lot less beer, haha. I'm entirely unsure what my metabolism rate is like without nicotine.

Here's hoping I don't go past 75kg.

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