Anyway just to make something clear. This is not a cold-turkey quit blog. I did not quit cold-turkey as I had mentioned in the first couple of postings. I'm using a drug called Champix, or Chantix as its known in the US.
I'm also not being paid by Pfizer, the manufacturer, (would be nice though!) or neither is this blog meant to promote Champix as the preferred way to quit smoking. Each person is unique and you definitely can't take a cookie cutter approach to quitting. Some prefer counseling, acupuncture or hypnosis. The more traditional route would be nicotine patches or gum.
I've tried the patches/gum, counseling and cold turkey. Perhaps not enough will power which is why I figured this drug might work. Anyway for those that want to know more, read on!
How it works?
The drug in its most basic sense blocks nicotine from reaching the specific receptors in the brain that derive pleasure from nicotine. Hence there is no more pleasure from inhaling a cigarette. Concurrently, it also takes the "edge" off withdrawal symptoms such as the mood swings, agitation and being short-tempered , etc.
Twice a day orally for 12 weeks. The first two weeks are small doses (1mg per day) meant to build up the presence of the drug in your body. Ideally, no more cigarettes from the 14th day onwards. Once week 3 comes around, its ramped up to 2mg per day and cigarettes should start to be quite disgusting by then.
Little blue pills. Sun and moon icons behind each pill because smokers can't tell time...

Most GP clinics would sell it. I got mine for RM165 for the starter pack (the first two weeks) and each subsequent two-week packs after that is RM175. Total cost for the 12-week course: RM1,040
Side effects
Nausea is most common. Usually immediately after taking the drug. Others may experience dream pattern changes, constipation, gas and vomitting. What's also been reported is that a very small minority experience psychological changes and end up being depressed or start to entertain suicidal thoughts. This of course means Champix is not meant for them.
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